B&W Challange: A look over your country

losing sight of the sea
here i am strolling back to reality
back to where lost weeks have been
lost in the grasp of a continuality
holding on to my being
i should sleep to be able to wake up
to hear the thunders to my skin
whistling the echo
of a fast-paced dream
a film circling in my mind
flicks of memory glances of him
i feel the numbness of the air
as i swallow in deeply
tightening the grip
weakening my stand
i could almost touch
i could almost feel
i could almost taste
the bitter-sweet nuisance of the sea
drifting me afloat...
and until now
yes, until now,
letting me be.
note: Photo taken last August 20th at Subic Bay's Ocean Adventure Park, dubbed as "the first and only open water marine park in Southeast Asia".
This should have been for last week's topic: The Sea (la mer), but yeah, it still applies for this week's theme.