my past 2 weeks were extremely busy and the next week ahead is most likely as equal or even greater. im not sure when i will have free time so this is a post to let you know (and i thought i'll never say this..) i'll be on hiatus for a while.. i'll try my best to reply and visit your blogs but i apologize in advance if i wont be able to after this day.. i shall miss illo friday and all my online friends. you will be on my thoughts everyday..
now i leave you all with an old poem i wrote and a photo i took while traveling to southern manila..

Don't Close Your Eyes
as i hear the -
leaves crash to the wind
walls of echoes
paint my deserted room
the linen adrift
flying floating
as cold whispers
wrap my whole being
as i close my -
eyes in deep longing
i float more lighter
almost liquefying
swimming to that shadow
to drink the poison
of its undying spell
drowning my head in compassion
as i feel the -
whole world spinning
catch the waves tightly holding
take me to the other side
carry me.. carry me..
and let me continuously fly
as the breeze swallow me
in one big.. deep.. sigh
© 02.10.06
22 Park your thoughts here:
now im off to bed.. and in 2 hours i should be at work.. will miss you all..
Dearest sister atomic,
I will be missing you too.
I have just finishing putting up the award you have given to me.
Here, there another friendship award for you.
I love you and the poem you written.
I hope to hear from you only when you are free. I am most understanding here.
From time to time, I will drop by and send you some messages.
Take extraaaaaaaaaa goooooooooood care.
Sister Yoon See
Dreamy clouds, and excellent poem. Have a productive hiatus, Atomic. I shall miss you and wait patiently for your posts.
Take care!
Haunting poem...beautiful photo...what more can I ask? Good day to you, and stay cool, godspeed!
As I ponder on the millions of miles of grace your energy has reaced,
I will embrace your time with me here, in my heart, where you always are, no matter how busy life is, and true life is busy...
And hold your hand with my heart, and wait until we cross paths again, and again, sooner than life allows, but never too late for my hearts embrace...
I hope you take all the time you need. You'll be missed, but of replenished spirit when you return!
XXX Lolo
Take care.
Hope you are fine.
I can feel your love (friendship) out there, thanks for being my friend:)
Hi how are you? I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I don't want to be a stranger so here I hope you have a good one! Thanks for all the love I receive directly and indirectly from you.
you must be having a great time now. i will miss you but it is okay, i know you are very happy now. hu hu you the weather must be great over there and here i am sitting at home in a very cold weather.....
best regards
Love how your brain works.
passei por aqui para visitá-la
o tema do seu blog me chamou a atenção e vim pra cá conferi-lo há muitas coisas legais...
qdo tiver um tempinho visita o meu blog "BELA JU" será um prazer recebe-la...
passed by here to visit you
the theme of your blog caught my attention and I came here checked it many cool stuff ...
qdo has a tempinho visit my blog "BELA JU" will be a pleasure it receives ...
I hope that, wherever you are, you are having a wonderful time. Miss you!
Just passing by to check on one of my fave girls! And as I see you are having a vacation off from the blog world. We sure hope you come back soon! I have a new blog by the way, and it's oh so totally different from the explicit one (wink)Hope you come by and be "thankful" for each day! Hope you are having fun on your vacation too! Or is it because of work now? Hmmmmmm Always remember to take a breather Honey!
Happy New Year 2009 Atomic!
Hello.. Do you know how to Add Adsense Code Inside Single Post Only in XML Template? Visit your blog to learn how.. Have a nice thursday!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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heya...your arts are heavenly...
thanks for introducing me to the world of blogging... it's such a relief! long time no see! :)
Just passing by to check out my fave girl. Has she closed her eyes from the blogosphere? We are here waiting. Hop over my blogs once you have awaken my dear!
in summary.. to my friends.. yoon see, bella sinclair, sir dennis, jesse mendez, studio lolo, isay, willie, aravis, daisy, claudio and paddylast.. THANK YOU! all your comments are so beautiful and your happy thoughts are very much appreciated. i have come to visit here again and see how things are.
i did had a great time and all my vacations were memorable. id love to share these experiences on my future posts and hope to see you all again then!
now im off to visit your blogs..
thanks again for all the kind words..
and to the new visitors, bela ju, hapi, and that directory owner, thanks for droppin by as well. 8)
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