illo friday: packed

.. go in November!
i actually find this painting funny! this is my first attempt in watercolor, ha! isay knows this.. and you may find familiar landmarks here..
hehe.. although its a mix of different beaches in the Philippines.. nonetheless let me give travelers out there a tip. if you want some peace and quiet on your vacation, go here during the lean season. some locations classify them during June to December 15 and peak seasons are Dec.16 to summer. (this part of the world tho, our summer is April and May). prices are cheaper.. hotel+airfare. can you imagine i was able to see a flight to somewhere in the south (i wont tell yet) from manila, which costs only about 1,600 per person!? to convert, 34 euros or $37 USD. And this is two-way! and some may say.. "that's peanuts!" lol..
sorry moogie.. *.* i just had to tell! hehe..
so, can anyone guess where this is?
my dream vacation
5" x 8" (orig.)
watercolor + liquid paper

40 Park your thoughts here:
Can i guess can i guess!!..
dont tell them yet indeed the hotels might be fully booked
now i must not forget to buy snorkeling equipment!
Nice painting babe! Love the colourfull clouds.. "there and there.."
haaa! you are so funny..
but dont worry, if hotels are booked, we sleep on the beach. it wont be that cold at nights (freezing cold here is fine weather there remember? and it never freezes here)
and yep! snorkling thingies! do you have them? eh how about a diving gear? *winks
camiguin! :-)
that's what i need, a place to relax without the crowds... great idea and illustration
johanna.. woah! and of course a pinay will guess it 8)
joseph.. yeah! its great to "get away from it all" once in a while.. and thanks!
Can I go? Can I go? my gosh velvet, if only I can go right now....
yOu succeeded well in your watercolor painting especially that you had painted it with an idea from what is in your heart and mind......
Have a nice time!
salamat uli
thanks isay! we will definitely have a great time! im guessing he havent seen a waterfall yet, in person! haha.. so mmm.. and oh btw additional bed is only 300p per night! haaa.. the cottage is big enough *winks
and oh if you need to go on a vacation tell me! 8)
Hi atomic,
Love your watercolour piece with simple and clear setting.
The soft colours have just created the holiday mood.
As for me, I don't know how to swim at all nor snorkling. I just glance through scuba diver magazine for this purpose, feasting my eyes.
Atomic, I have just finished my "packed" piece for IF but haven't upload it yet.
As for the nomination for "I love your blog" award, I too have just finished the list. Let me upload them and give you all a surprise!
your first watercolour? can't believe, do more please, it's terrific. thanks again for my award. so many people have benefitted from it as i passed it on and they passed it on and they passed it spreading your love far and wide.
hi yoon! cant wait to see your surprise for us! i just actually went over a few minutes back.. and as for swimming lol i dont know much as well! i wont even dare go to deep waters where i cannot reach the bottom with my feet and still have my head out the water! lol.. and last time i snorkeled i saw the deep part it felt like its a huge mountain underwater that i was terrified i felt like i would fall into it! haha and i panicked! lol! good thing i have a lifeguard *.* but i know now what i wont do next time 8) lol.. i think you should try it just dont go too deep hehe..
soulbrush.. ohh wow! thank you so much for spreading it as well! we should all spread love indeed 8) and yeah hihi.. my first watercolor.. well ok my really first ones were in school in kindergarten! ha! 8) but since then i havent really dabbed on this.. due to lack of confidence. either i fear it will end up ugly messed up or just no appeal at all. as watercolor cant be erased. now i really dont care as long as i express myself and my dreams.. 8)
Yes you did mention the award, and I think I left you a comment. :-) Thank you! And I like your vacation idea, please take me with you.
ohh yeah my bad.. commenting on impulse. im usually like that! haa..
anyway.. you can tag along if you fit the luggage? hihihi.. just kidding.. 8)
lol Rrramone you are less then 7kg? otherwise we are not even allowed to
bring my tooth brush!
mmm i looking so forward to this a quit sea.. seabirds.. *silent fish a erupting volcano now and then..
ha! 8D lol..
i love your first watercolour and the theme is so lovely! I wouldn't share the secret with anybody or you won't be alone for long :) Thanks for the link for JD! did you know that he wrote many of the best songs for the Eagles, Linda Ronstadt and Bonnie Raitt? he is a legend and a wonderful person :)
Wow...this is so different from what I'm used to from you...give me a moment....hmmm...:) loving it!
valgalart.. haa! well i was thinking that too but nhe who would go there on those days? people here would rather shop for the christmas rush! haha.. good thing i did my early shopping 8) and its a pleasure to give that link. is a great site that i usually go to. its where you can track down who influenced who in terms of music then you know what to download next 8)
indigene.. hihihi so glad you luv it! i just finished another watercolor now lol its almost same theme as i am daydreaming of landscapes lately.. mmm.. and i would luv to explore what i can do too 8)
It's chilly and wet where I am, so I think I'm going to plunk myself down on your beautiful beach chair and warm myself up a bit. Not a soul in sight (except for the sailboat). Aaaah, heaven! Really, Velvet, this is an excellent watercolor. Your first??? You are braver than I, my friend. I tell myself that when I run out of pages in my current sketchbook, I will try my hand at watercolors. My book is pretty thick.
ohh we have signal no.2 storm here now too.. air is damp and smell of old leaves and soil.. i hear the whirling of the wind knocking on my window too.. but my head is still floating laying relaxed by the sand..
mmm and yes this is my first watercolor hehe in years! although i remember one but i did it thru a coloring book. ha! this one is totally from my mind 8)
Boracay? LOL I don't even know if that's N,S,E,or W but everybody seems to want to go there. Well if it is Boracay you need to make your painting sunset since I hear they have magnificent sunset skies there! -Erika
ohh most of boracay is facing west indeed.. just perfect for the sunset view.. and it is The most popular island in the philipppines.. although that is not what i painted. hihi.. lets just say i have taken an essential item off from the boracay beaches and added here. 8)
hey atomic!!
thanks for trying to help me with blogger tonight. ugh, it didn't work, but it was worth the try...all I can hope is that they someday come back to me and take those stupid WV letters off my blog. I am on it 20 times a day.. it is a pain!! ugh.. your work is great! Robin
Hi atomic, sorry for the delay.....I have difficult time posting my entries.
And there is the formal award badges that I want to give to you. It's all together two. Hope you like them.
Yaah, you are right atomic!
In year 1997, I won a trip to Maldives. I just did the water floating because I didn't know how to swim.
But it was not a waste trip. Maldives is so beautiful beyond discription.
I hope to revisit Maldives one day and by then I should be able to do some basic on swimming and scuba dive. I hope so.
How about you atomic? Which few islands or beaches you would love to go?
outside the box primitives.. hi there.. have i told you my other blog's name is outside the box? lol 8)
but as for your question, i went back to your post on the forum (im keeping the link here for updates) and wondered why it didnt work. and your blogger name once clicked will open to a "profile does not exist" too so i cant go to your blog. can you post your url so i can check too if the verification appears on my side?
yoon see.. WOAH! (and if you notice i really do not use caps)
those awards are magnificent! i went to your blog first before replying here and i have to say to those visiting here, please check on yoon see's post for the great badges and packed with love!
and of course.. i did not forget question.. aside from the 7,107 islands of the philippines, i would totally also love to go to islands like santorini in greece and maybe galapagos. now you remind me to update my 43 things! ha! 8)
your first? very good for the first attempt. it took me by surprise; multi-talented you.
ohh i love to explore and sometimes you wake up and just explode with ideas.. hihi 8) and now i owe you a thumbnail.. hmmm now i think i know what to send. *winks
This watercolor reminds me of a place I used to live where the local church erected a 60 foot cross across. Fun to find images that spark memories like that.
thanks annalee.. memories indeed brings back old feelings..
and glad you like it.. 9)
Hey that makes me feel warm and relaxed, what brand of water color are you using?
I am working on a gouache piece right now for practice....
beautiful poignant artwork. what can i say, funny too, but has very strong composition. thanks fo sharing. you're very talented. how about opening a gallery in the futue?
jesse.. thanks and glad you liked it.. hehe funny you asked that.. im actually using a children's watercolor brand with only 18 colors. there are only 2 shades of blue so its a challenge to make the sea and sky. the vrand name is "li'l hands" non-toxica watercolor. 8D
sir dennis.. wow its so nice to read something like this from you! (being my teacher back then) hehe.. well a gallery was far from my list of things to do before i die (haha) but indeed thats a dream!! being a dreamer who makes things possible.. who knows!? maybe next to your photography gallery? hehe..
I don't know how I missed this when I have you in my faves! Anyway, first attempt or not, it's really good! And I'd love to pop in your cottage for an afternoon to get away from it all :)
hi lo! well you are of course welcome at our cottage.. and i made a few sticks of bbq and a fruit cocktail. enjoy ;-D
Hi, atomic, how are you?
Thank you for your sharing.
I have seen your 43 things page.
Wow, so inspire & cool.
Kiss your professor, publish your poems.....great list.
I also can't think of this is your first attempt for water colour.
The colours....simply wonderful...I can feel the wide horizon of this great beach.
Sandy white stuff:)
Btway, this "packed" water colour pieceis also my dream vacation destini.
I hope we can go there together.
lol that list needs to be updated! and soon! hehe.. i have listed "going to paris" in there too and then i did.. so have to make a short note about it i guess hehe.. and as for going to this isolated paradise.. of course all my friends are welcome to join us! and dont forget to bring a paintbrush and some coloring and/or painting materials.. };-}
Thanks for reminding me, atomic.
You are so thoughtful.
This time I make it 8 times.
ohh.. hihihi.. actually 7 is my fave number *winks 8)
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