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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Illo Friday: Safe

for this Moogie Day...

maybe it's SAFE to say
(even if it's late)
that this is my contribution
for Illo Friday..

and just like IF:Run
protests are still welcome
at comments section }:-p


11 Park your thoughts here:

Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

first protest.. should have written a poem for this...

made this "light painting" while walking on the streets of Puerto Princesa in Palawan, after a few drinks with Ambres

7/9/06 5:45 PM  
Blogger HARDWAX whispered...

A beautiful light show, makes me think of a lilly-maybe you've captured it's life energy from the inside out.

8/9/06 1:13 AM  
Blogger junat whispered...

lol not safe it seems a bit spooky to me...

8/9/06 3:38 AM  
Blogger Ian T. whispered...

If the initial image for this was produced by dancing around in front of the camera with a connected light, maybe that's not exactly a safe activity! This is very aesthetically pleasing though - cosmic even!

8/9/06 11:43 AM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

hardwax.. thanks! thats a cool insight btw! just love how these light paintings turn out..

paddy.. a bit spooky walking after midnight seeing these lights indeed! hee..

ian t... yeah, but i remember i only drank a li'l. lol. good thing i didnt dance around in front of the camera with a connected light.. or did i? hmm..

not a safe activity was the morning before i took this, we were literally swimming with the fishes! haa..

nice to see old friends dropping by 8) thanks!

8/9/06 4:16 PM  
Blogger junat whispered...

spooky because of that smoke too . seems there is a face smoking a pipe ... k maybe i went a bit too far .. hehe

9/9/06 1:02 AM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

oh! lol! now that you mentioned it, i do see it! haa... kinda creepy.. tssk

9/9/06 10:07 AM  
Blogger tussand whispered...

He dropped by after a long period of absence from the Internet binaries to check on velvetsigh and saw that everything was pretty fine. Not willing to upset the status quo, he took a step back into the shadows, leaving her to her silent musings...

9/9/06 5:18 PM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

ohh hi there! been too long indeed.. well i am not blog-hopping as much as i want for a long time too.. but what do you mean "Not willing to upset the status quo,"? hmm..

10/9/06 5:30 AM  
Blogger tussand whispered...

I took a hiatus from the binaric world that's why. Hmm, I have no idea what I meant by that but you are doing very well!

I have always asked that question myself. Of course hypothetically they are not the same person. But it would be heavenly if it is, ain't it?

To loved or to be loved. That is an age old paradox. I can't figure out tha answer yet but I have loved and not been loved. The feeling is terrible but the carthasis of it! Ahhh....

11/9/06 11:06 AM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

yeah, the question 'who would you choose, the person that completes you, or the person that loves you completely?' really should be left hanging, unless you found both qualities in one person *.*

Being the unloved brings both sorrow and fulfilment, as also with being the Loved...

11/9/06 6:42 PM  

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