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Monday, October 02, 2006

Illo Friday: Quiet

beneath the silence

beneath the silent waters
i hide
from the muddled days that pass
fast paced motion i can't catch
i wash my cluttered sorrow
untangling each strand
dying for a fresh tomorrow
holding on to my mind's command

beneath the silent wind
i float
carrying my thoughts to somewhere
putting down the option of running off
hauling my dreariness to flee
to gain satisfaction of what's enough

beneath the hidden volatility
i stir
in the quiet of my own being
nobody can shatter me
as i unravel what's beneath
my own existence

530 x 700
MS Paint

note: i havent made an illo in MS Paint for a while, so it took me about 4 and a half hours to finish this piece. pfew! now time to sleep...


17 Park your thoughts here:

Blogger floots whispered...

thank you for the peace
in your words
and illustration

2/10/06 6:36 PM  
Blogger Miladysa whispered...


2/10/06 8:01 PM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

floots.. this is also
to remind me
to calm down
once in a while..
thanks for the note

miladysa.. thanks 8)

3/10/06 11:39 AM  
Blogger HARDWAX whispered...

Your poem is sweet and meloncholy and the illustration is full of life and energy despite the stillness of the fauna.

4/10/06 4:37 AM  
Blogger valerie walsh whispered...

It is so worth the time you spent! It's really beautiful and your words are perfect!

4/10/06 5:17 AM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

hardwax.. that probably describes my whole personality.. sweet but melancholy; energetic despite the things lingering in my head..

valgalart.. thanks! and it also amazes me how i have progressed in using ms paint. and the poem is also dedicated for those stressed by work or life..

4/10/06 12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

cant believe its paint!but its "velvet's" work alright..I have nothing to argue. I know you have lots of crazy things in mind..keep on pulling it out.

4/10/06 12:38 PM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

lol! well i dont need to convince you my friend, but i have the urge to post how i did it, step by step. so hmm.. come back again in a few hours and you'll see. 8)

thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.. and yep, you know how crazy my ideas can be sometimes.

4/10/06 12:53 PM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

And now for the curious 8)
see how i made this illo at
uncovering what's beneath the silence

4/10/06 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

perfection. your words touched me, and i think this is a beautiful, beautiful illustration.

i'm blown away that you were able to do this with software. there's such soul in these lines.

4/10/06 4:02 PM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

thank you for your kind words. indeed, it's amazing that such a simple program can help one create and learn..

4/10/06 4:30 PM  
Blogger georg whispered...

I just like it! Especially the glittering effects in the textures - simply great!

6/10/06 3:02 AM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

thanks, glad you liked it! 8)

6/10/06 11:54 AM  
Blogger ° whispered...

wow 4.5 hr who cares when u get results like this. love these rich vibrant colors and ur words fit right in

6/10/06 1:14 PM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

yeah! but i used to have an illo that i made for 17 hours or so.. [see IF: Depth](in total that is, not counting the minutes in between, that i do something else, like eat!) hehe..

thanks for droppin by and for the comment!

6/10/06 5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

Hmm I really really like this piece. Very reflexive, as if I'm looking at the waters of the lake myself and I see a reflection. Yet that reflection is muddled by my thoughts which makes ripples on the water.

8/10/06 1:12 PM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh whispered...

thanks for sharing your thoughts on this piece. hopefully i have more time to come up with more illos too..

9/10/06 8:02 AM  

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