Last march i went to The Netherlands. for those who have been reading here for a while, remember my first post about the birds in franeker? [
read here..] i planned on writing about my whole trip. and this is my second entry.
march 25, 2008,
due to my short vacation, we can only go to one country outside Holland. and since it has always been a dream for me to see Paris, we booked for a trip to go there. it was not a last minute decision, but unfortunately, we ran out of seats for a train, and even for a plane.
but a few days before my big flight, luck sided with as, for we were fortunate to have booked a bus tour despite the easter holiday. yes! we forgot.. it was easter! riding a bus was his last resort, well next to a long drive, but i told him its perfectly fine. at least we had a tour guide. although on the whole trip, the tour guide was speaking only in dutch. so being the only asian in the bus, who can only speak 2 languages, poor moogie, he had to translate everything! well at least the interesting ones. but imagine me, always asking, why are you all laughing? tssk..
anyway, the longest we could stay in Paris was only 4 days and 3 nights. so we have to make the most out of it. the first day was consumed by the bus trip alone, from amsterdam to belgium to france. but i reserve another post for that day.
on the second day, the first museum we went to was, of course, the Louvre! we planned on spending the whole day there. we also knew the places we wanted to see, we wanted to explore and get lost in paris, but our list of destinations was so long we cannot squeeze it all in for only 3 days.
he has been to the Louvre before, so he knew i'd definitely like it. according to him, there were so many rooms and exhibits that it would take a week to totally go and see each one. it was
that huge! soon as we got there, we were totally thrilled. but.. yes.. here it is... it was a Tuesday.. and bad luck walked with us again, soon as we got to the glass pyramid, we were stunned. it was closed! i guess our excitement made us forget to check with the museum schedules..

we were not the only ones tho, as these people were expecting to get in as well. ha! lol..
oh well, off to musee d'orsay.. now that place made me cry. ha!
(to be continued..)
note: this is my entry for
moody monday:
schadenfreude - satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.