Moody Monday: Colorless + meme
and lifeless without music

here's another tag for this week. isay passed the baton to me to post 5 random weird things about myself. i had done one of these before as i posted 5 weird habits.. but here's to add another 5 then!
6. i have more cds than books. and the photo above shows only a fraction of what i have.
7. i buy a book 90% of the time i pass by a bookstore. even though i have tons of other unread books calling for me in the middle of the night (well technically "day" because... read no.8)
8. i have insomnia and im up all night. thus i work at night and sleep at daytime. and my body clock only allows me to sleep for max of 5 hours or else i get a headache.
9. among my old high school peers (barkada), i used to be the quiet one. until i met them again a few years back and they were almost shocked that i was not as timid as they once knew. (*.* thanks!)
10. i am a geek and my hero is dexter.
now i tag: Anto | Teri C | Forever Young | Anonyrrie | Bluerose | Zari
note: my entry for this week's moody monday mood is not that colorless this week..