Nepenthe tonight i'll launch my dreams to sail thru still water the ripples shall carry slow into the night slow bending denouement changing winds to laughter weak raging light. tonight the moon will cast away into deep darkness sail beyond the sunset buried in the blue as it ramifies me and all images present shall be unseen. shall fade away..-----
ne-pen|the (ni-pen'thee) Greek, from
ne- not, and
penthos grief
- Something, such as a drink or a drug, capable of making one forget suffering. First mentioned in Homer's
Odyssey as a potion capable of erasing all bad memories. By extension, the use of nepenthe today largely reflects the reputed powers of alcohol or drugs to get rid of the memory of one's woes, or have the aftereffect as that of Edgar Allan Poe into writing his poetry
>>note about the illo: converting to jpeg didnt give the image i originally have on MS Paint. i had some turns in editing to gain the same granulated effect thru picassa, but unsuccessful. and uploading the orig piece is worth 1.37 MB of space. but anyhow, hope you all like it!
btw, thanks to

.. blue is my favorite color too..
update: the bitmap image is available for viewing. please
click herelatest update: changed the illo to a gif thru Irfan View. its seems better now.. pfew!