Illo Friday: Invent
No poems this time. But I owe this blog's visitors a worthwhile post, since i was on hiatus for more than a month, without prior notice.
This is my contribution for

Painting with light; poetry in motion. literally..

"lady behind the shadows"
I first came upon the term "Camera Toss" over at flickr. I had accidental shots with my digital cam [sample] and MagnaCam [sample] that resembled disfigured light trails but ended on my faves folder. I knew I had use for them someday. Then I chanced upon a group that shared amazing shots of lights whirling in different angles and lines.
I could not totally consider my shots as "camera tossing" because, technically, I don't toss my camera to gain these shots. But as Ryan Gallagher puts it, "Camera Toss is photography technique, the singular action of throwing a camera into the air intending it take a picture while in free flight. As with all techniques however, where the photographer, hobbyist, or artist chooses to go from there is highly an individual decision/direction and subject to interpretation..." [read his interview]
Since I don't literally toss my camera, I searched more.. and if there is a group with similar qualities or technique. Then I was struct with this description.. "...where the photographer paints with the available light. This is not to be confused with camera tossing...This is not to say I don't like the camera tossing photos. I just don't do 'em. I like to hold the camera and move it myself, make the light seem to dance." - Light Painting Pool.
So, the question now is, who invented the art of light painting and/or tossing a camera? It would seem that Ryan, also known as clickykbd, is a pioneer of this technique, but not directly the inventor. Others may have given it a shot at numerous times in the past. And as he says, "it seems either no one got results that convinced them to really pursue it further, or it just never captured a broad audience before."
For further information, please visit:
official camera toss blog
Tossing Guide for Beginners
El Ray (one of my most admired cameratoss artists)
update: I also entered this post at Lens Day challenge: Power.